Hi guys!
I struggled a lot but finally I found a Ferduino Mega here in Italy sold by a guy that is not using it anymore. So I'm trying to fit it to my needs.
The first issue is that I have a lot of overheating on the chip near the power plug. I think it is the regulator that pulls down the voltage from the 12 v i have in input to the 5 v needed by the Arduino. I read some topics here about this issue and i like the proposal about using a step down adapter.
I bought this one:
https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B017GR ... UTF8&psc=1
but I'm not so expert. As far as I understood I can continue tu power the ferduino board with the 12 v. It will works well for everything attached to the board, but I should use the step down at 5 v to power the onboard Arduino Mega. So the question is simple for you expert guys: which should be the wiring between the Ferduino mega and the step down adapter? can you help me with a scheme or something similar? electronics for dummies....
thank you so much.