Hi Fernando,
I'm trying to wire the relay-2 but I can not. can you help me? I have doubts about where to connect the 5v and 12v on the relay.
I have to feed ferduino mega with the 12v?
Thank you
if ((bitRead(status_parametros, 0) == true) && (bitRead(status_parametros, 1) == true)) // Evita aquecedor e chiller ligados ao mesmo tempo.
bitWrite(status_parametros, 0, 0);
bitWrite(status_parametros, 1, 0);
myDigitalWrite(aquecedorPin, LOW);
myDigitalWrite(chillerPin, LOW);
myPinMode(aquecedorPin, OUTPUT);
myDigitalWrite(aquecedorPin, HIGH);
myDigitalWrite(aquecedorPin, LOW);
PCF8575.digitalWrite(aquecedorPin, HIGH);
PCF8575.digitalWrite(aquecedorPin, LOW);
const byte aquecedorPin = 42;
const byte aquecedorPin = 13;
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